Are you totally and completely feeling overwhelmed by your financial situation? Constantly worried that something won’t get paid? That you’ll have to choose between eating…
How many times have we made the same New Year’s resolutions or worked toward the same goals time and time again, only to give up…
Do you have something you’re determined to achieve in your life? Maybe a mantra you’re sticking to, a goal you plan to accomplish, or just…
Did you set New Year’s Resolutions this year to better your life? Or if you’re completely averse to resolutions (I get that!), do you have…
If I asked if you would like to live a rich, fulfilling life, the answer would probably be a resounding “yes”! It might conjure up…
Every. Single. Year. You and I have a chance for a new start, a fresh beginning. In fact, according to Zig Ziglar, yesterday really ended…
The wait. The anticipation. Each year, during the Christian season of Advent, we wait expectantly, in great anticipation! The day is coming to celebrate the…
Have you set out to achieve a certain financial outcome in the past? Maybe every New Year you decide to solve and overcome the same…
Here we are midway into November. Christmas is seriously around the corner. Are you stressing about the financial part of it? Trying to avoid those…
My oldest son turns six today. Over a decade ago, I would have envisioned this birthday much differently. Ideally, his Pappaw and Grandma would be…