The Key to Living a RICH, Fulfilling Life

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Did you set New Year’s Resolutions this year to better your life? Or if you’re completely averse to resolutions (I get that!), do you have some goals you’re working toward? Any problems you’re wanting to solve, or anything you deeply desire to accomplish in your life? Frustrated you haven’t achieved them? Here’s the key to living the rich, fulfilling life you desire! 

the key to living a rich fulfilling life

Whatever you have resolved to do with your finances or your life, you must take action to get you to your end result. If you’re ready to intentionally live a rich, meaningful life, let’s dive in!

First, you need to be clear about your RESOLVE. 

What is it that you really want to do with your money or your life? If you’re not completely clear, go back to the first Live RICH post, to get some ideas churning. (Also go back to that post if you’re confused about why we’re not ONLY talking about money right now!!) 

The Key to Living a RICH, Fulfilling Life

After you know exactly what you’re going after (your resolve), you must GET INTENTIONAL! This is where you put the action steps in place that will get you to your ultimate destination.

Imagine you’re at the bottom of a stairwell and your RESOLVE is the top!

Each stair-step is something you can intentionally do—an intentional action step.  Completing that action step will get you closer to your RESOLVE (or goal, or problem to solve, or life aspiration, or whatever it may be for you!)

If you want to get rich in a literal sense…

If your resolve is to become wealthy, you need to earn money, save money (thereby spending less), and invest that money wisely to build your wealth. Obviously, the more you earn, the less you spend, and the more you invest wisely, the more likely you are to become wealthy!

So each stair-step will involve those actions in some form or another, depending on your current financial status.

If becoming wealthy is one of your greatest desires, Ramit Sethi at “I Will Teach You To Be Rich” walks you through the steps to becoming rich that anyone can take!

If you want to intentionally live RICH in any other area of life…

Of course, you can resolve to do something in any other area of life as well. Let’s consider another top resolution for the New Year besides money. Ready for it?

Losing weight! (Was that really a surprise?)

The intentional action steps to lose weight would include some new diet guidelines, exercise, and even possibly a personal trainer and nutritionist to keep you on track.

No matter what it is you’re working toward, whether gaining a fat bank account, or becoming rich in a completely different area of life, like your health, your marriage, family, etc.,  intentionality is key. You have to know what steps you need to take and be intentional in taking them. Most importantly, write those steps down!

You can make it even more fun by drawing out your stairwell, labeling each step, and leading you to your resolve at the top!

Sure, it may be a very looonnggg and winding stairwell, but every step gets you closer. Intentionality and consistency is key! Don’t give up!

Ready to intentionally live your RICH, fulfilling life?

Decide on the action steps that will get you to where you want to be. Write them down! Once you’ve written those down, or labeled your stair step drawing 😉 , you are well on your way to becoming intentionally rich and leading the meaningful life you truly desire! 

intentionally live a rich, fulfilling life
But… if you’re concerned you won’t actually follow through on those action steps you wrote down, don’t miss the next step in the Live RICH blog post series! It will give you the secret to actually accomplish every. single. one. of those action steps and get you the result you want!

Read on for that little secret in Part 3 of the Live RICH series.

As always, continue to steward intentionally!


P.S. Join the Money Savvy Moms private Facebook group to double your chances of making your actions steps happen!


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