The Simple Jumpstart to Living a RICH, Fulfilling Life

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If I asked if you would like to live a rich, fulfilling life, the answer would probably be a resounding “yes”! It might conjure up ideas in your head of doing anything you want without having to consider the financial aspect at all. But, how exactly does one define the word, “rich”? Is it really all about the money?

Sure, the most common definition would involve money—perhaps becoming a millionaire. Or you could define it as “financial independence,” where money concerns are not an issue because you easily have all you need. (And, if that’s the kind of rich you’re going for, you can begin that right now too!) 

But is living RICH all about the money? 

Let’s think BIGGER than money. What truly makes your life RICH? What are the things that make life WORTH LIVING? It’s certainly NOT all about money!

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One of the definitions of the word rich is “plentiful, or abundant.” So…what allows your life to be full and abundant?

I think that answer will be different for everyone, but here’s the real deal: It would be in your best interest to RESOLVE to find that out.

(You may have just figured out my secret: RICH in Live RICH is really an acronym for you to succeed at life! The R is the first step to living a rich, fulfilling life and it stands for Resolve!)

Resolve to figure out what makes your life full and abundant and then resolve to live that rich, full, abundant life. 

How to Resolve to Live a RICH, Fulfilling Life 

Now it’s time to determine what that actually means to you. Your resolution could be your New Year’s Resolution (if you actually make those), a goal you set, or a life dream or ambition you have. 

First, decide on what it is that truly excites you, that makes your life very full and abundant. What is your passion, your life purpose, or what would you really LOVE to be, do, or have in life? Decide what that is. It can be big or small. A roaring fire or a tiny spark. Either way, it’s something ready to ignite deep inside of you! This thing is what makes you feel alive!

Need help figuring out what your passion is?  Click on any of the following resources to guide you!


The next part of deciding on your resolve, (and therefore living a rich life) is to make sure it’s something you really, really want to be, do, or have! It should line up with the definition of the word resolve in the dictionary. It is a firm determination to do something!

Maybe being rich for you really does have to do with finances, and you want to build wealth or be financially independent. If that’s the case, start your step-by-step plan to financial success!

But even if a rich life for you doesn’t have much to do with wealth, keep reading. 😉

Maybe it’s more about family time, serving others, giving generously, or pursuing a job or hobby that you are super passionate about, no matter the salary (or lack thereof) that comes with it! Decide what it is that makes your life truly rich and fulfilling, and go for it!


Living a life rich in Christ

As a Christian, the one true way to live richly is to become more like Christ. We must resolve to be more like Him daily, which means we must do things that get us closer to Him. These include staying in His word, praying, and being consistently in fellowship with other believers. Now, let me be clear, these “works” do not save us, but out of our love for Him, we desire the things that draw us closer to Him!

The crazy thing that comes along with drawing closer to Him, is He gives us the desires of our heart and makes our deepest desires line up with His! Bam! He will show us what our resolve should be in the current season of life we’re in. If you’re still searching for that, don’t give up!

Keep doing what you love. Go after the things that you’re most passionate about that also line up with His Word! You WILL figure it out! 

First Step to Take to Live a Rich, Fulfilling Life: RESOLVE


So there you have it: Resolve! Whatever it is that makes your life more full, more abundant, and therefore RICH, go after it! Go after it with everything in your being! Resolve to live richly!

What resolve would make your life rich this year? After you’ve decided on your resolve, continue on for the 2nd part of this series. It’s the key to living a RICH, fulfilling life

As always, continue to steward your money—and your life— intentionally!


P.S. If you are resolving to live a rich life,  join the Money Savvy Moms private FB group.  It’s a very active, supportive group if you’re aiming to improve your money as well as your life! Exciting things to come in 2020!

Live a Rich Fulfilling Lifelive a rich, fulfilling life />


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