The Secret to Living a RICH, Fulfilling Life

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Do you have something you’re determined to achieve in your life? Maybe a mantra you’re sticking to, a goal you plan to accomplish, or just daily tasks you want to keep up with? Ready to learn the secret to living a RICH, fulfilling life and accomplishing those things most important to you? 

Would you love for your life—and perhaps your bank account!— to be more full and more rich by the end of this year? Community is the secret for you to live RICH!!

**Note: this is the 3rd post in a series of 4 to Live RICH. We can adapt this to improving our money situation, but also to living full, rich, abundant lives! Get a jumpstart to your rich, fulfilled life as well as  learn the key to living a rich, meaningful life.

secret to a rich, fulfilling life


*Disclosure: Affiliate links are used in this post, earning me a small commission at no additional cost to you if you click through and make a purchase. I only recommend products or services I love and believe you will love too! Thank you for supporting my blogging life.


What is the goal you are determined to meet or the big life problem you plan to solve? Maybe this year those resolves are no different than the last—except this year you are determined to reach that goal or solve that problem ONCE AND FOR ALL!

Ready to know HOW?

COMMUNITY! The community with which you surround yourself is the secret to living a RICH, full life! 

Your community is the people who support you, the places you go that surround you with those people, the resources that move you along, and any other area of support you need to keep you accountable to those things you want to do with your life!

So, now , we have put together the first 3 letters of the RICH acronym (the first 3 steps to getting rich!): Resolve, Intentionality, Community

Now, on to the different aspects of your community:

1) People who will help you live a rich, meaningful life

The people to consider in your community can be  in person or can even be an online community. Either way, they need to be working toward similar things that you are and they need to be achieving some sort of success so they can bring you up with them!friends community get rich

Live and in-person accountability

It’s hard to find a friend or someone local who has some of the same goals as you. However, if someone comes to mind or crosses your path, do NOT hesitate to reach out to them! One good accountability partner you can meet with in person or even just talk with on the phone can really keep you going! They will bring you up when you feel down, and they will help keep you on the right path when the road gets difficult.

Your online community

   key to get rich is community

If you can’t find a live, in person, accountability partner, no worries! The online world gives you sooooo many opportunities!

Take Facebook, as an example. What is it you’re currently working on? Your money? Search “finance” or “money” or “Dave Ramsey” and you will come up with a whole slew of Facebook groups that can support and encourage you in your journey.  

If you want to bypass the whole search thing and make it easy on yourself, you can just head over to the private Money Savvy Moms Facebook group, where we work on and stay accountable with our money as well as all things life 😉

2) Places that will help you  live a RICH, fulfilling life

Who would have thought actual physical places can be a community of support for you?

What place can help you with finances? A place that is hosting a Financial Peace University course, like many churches do, or the office of a financial planner or coach! Again, the options are numerous! get rich with community

Say you want to work on your health or losing weight? The physical place would be a gym, or yoga studio, etc.! Combine that place with the people in that place and you really can have a great community of support!

3) Resources to allow you to live a rich, fulfilling life

What other resources can support you? Anything that will further your knowledge of something or spur you on to action in a certain area.

For finances, Dave Ramsey books and workbooks keep managing your finances simple and to the point. His Financial Peace Planner: A Step-by-Step Guide to Restoring Your Family’s Financial Health would be the perfect way to start!

Since it is the beginning of the year, most of us are excited about making changes in our home as well. Decluttering seems to be at the top of the list! Marie Kondo’s Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is making its way around the globe currently and has generated much excitement for women and moms everywhere! 😉

Focusing on your health? Check out the book 
Trim Healthy Mama’s Trim Healthy Table to healthfully nourish your family without going insane and chaining yourself to the kitchen!

Again, the options of resources to motivate you and walk you through your life aspirations are endless!

I’d love to hear what has inspired you so far this year! Share in the comments below or in the Money Savvy Moms private Facebook group!

Go find your community! 

Now that you know the key to get RICH is a supportive community, start finding YOUR community! What people, places and resources can move you along and help you reach your goals or solve those problems? Post in the comments any suggestions as well! Someone else may be looking for a community that you have already found! 

Don’t forget! Once you’ve found your community, head on over to discover the one checklist you need to live a rich, fulfilling life! It’s the final post of this 4-post series, and you don’t want to miss it! 

As always, steward your money — and your life — intentionally!


How do you live a rich, fulfilling, meaningful life? Use these tips to find your community and live out your purpose in life! #fulfillinglife #livelifeonpurpose />

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