About Me

Hi! I’m Heather Oynes, wife to Erick for 14 years and mama to three little boys ages 7 and under. Erick dubbed me the Penny Steward Mama because I have been the primary manager of our finances since we first got married (when it seemed we were most certainly only managing pennies!!)

We were married in 2005 with three years of college still to go and worked hard to become consumer debt free. We achieved that in 2009 and haven’t looked back!

Over the years, I have begun to realize that financial things don’t come naturally to most people.

I mean, in all fairness, there was no “money adulting” class after college graduation, and we certainly weren’t taught it in grade school or high school! We were required to take calculus, but somehow the topic of practical money management was nonexistent!

Not to mention, all the advice about finances now comes to us directly from the world around us. And it comes mainly from lending companies advertising to us! Anytime we decide we want something, a financing offer is available at the drop of a hat. Yes, it’s extremely smart to purchase what we want now and pay for it 2 years…or 10 years!…later. *Insert sarcasm.* That’s promising our hard-earned income to someone else years from now. Ouch! It’s not your fault if you’ve fallen in this trap, but seriously, how has this become so normal!

I’m convinced that the principles in God’s Word are the only way to combat the unhealthy, worldly ways of money. It’s time to take a stand and let our money “be transformed!”

Stemming from my enthusiasm regarding personal finance, the Lord began leading me to help others with their finances in 2016, and in the past year, I have transitioned to blogging and financial coaching full-time.

Certified as a Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach in 2019, my passion is to give others hope when it comes to their money! I am blessed to teach others to manage their money well, showing them how to break down their financial goals into bite-sized steps and take action.

I find joy in sharing a Biblical view of finances, and how minds must be transformed to truly steward money according to God’s Word. With God, all things are possible.

I just love that the impossible can absolutely become possible when you manage money God’s way!!

Come join us in the very active, but private Facebook group  Money Savvy Moms Living for Him if you’re ready to start transforming your money — and even your life!

As a Christian, I know that God has called me to steward my money and my life for His glory. And more recently, He has called me to serve YOU as a blogger and financial coach!! Whether or not you are a Christian, the principles I have learned throughout my life and certified financial coach master training can benefit you and your families.

My prayer is that you find the inspiration you need to become intentional with your money and to manage it well. Money is so often a source of stress and a hindrance to women (and families) wanting to do more with their lives.

My goal with my blog is to provide information and tools that allow you to become more organized and proactive with your money, and to confidently face the challenges that come with it.  Ultimately, money should be a means to allow you to reach your life goals, especially those BIG God-given dreams — rather than restricting you from them.

Thanks for being here!

As always, continue to steward your money—and your life—intentionally!
