One Simple Money Tweak That Changes Everything

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Have you ever embarked on a shopping trip and before you know it, you’ve spent a few hundred dollars more than you had “planned” on?

You see the total price at the register and are a little shocked at how quickly it all added up, but you’re already there…

So you whip out the card and swipe. One simple money tweak could have prevented this! 

The Problem With Paying With a Credit Card (Or Even a Debit Card)

If your card was a credit card, most likely that total won’t get paid off within the month, and you know what that means–interest will continue to get added to the balance before you finally pay it off–if it ever gets paid off.  

If you paid with a debit card, you may not immediately recognize how much you actually spent, and may or may not have had enough money in your checking account to cover it.

So how can we remedy this problem?

It’s super simple! But you have to be ready to hear it.

What is the one simple money tweak that solves overspending?

Are you ready?

Here it is:

THINK, before you spend.

That’s it. I don’t mean that to sound condescending at all. I have fallen prey to this same scenario just like everyone else.

The issue is that we really don’t think before we spend.

Especially today. It is very possible now to live in a cashless society, so we rarely ever actually feel what we’re spending.

For most, it does not come naturally to consider what you’re spending when you’re spending it, and it certainly isn’t a natural habit to budget for every purchase and then stay within that budget.

How can you begin to change your current financial habits?

Here are two ways to begin building these habits that can truly change everything regarding your finances.

1) Go old school. Cash envelopes are where it’s at. You put the exact amount of cash in your envelope you decide ahead of time to spend. If you find something you want, but don’t have enough money to buy the item, the item goes back. Simple.

2) If you are truly against cash envelopes, another option is possible, but will take much more discipline. You can download a budgeting app (or use a spreadsheet) and do everything electronically on your smartphone if preferred. A simple, free app is Dave Ramsey’s Every Dollar. If you choose this option, you must be diligent to follow these next steps. You have to verify how much money you have in your budget before getting to the register and as soon as you check out, take your receipt, open your app and input the purchase into the app. Right that moment. You cannot wait until later. Do not let yourself walk to another store or drive anywhere else until that purchase is logged.

That’s it!

Just pick one of those habits and start today!

And don’t forget about online purchases…better remember to add them to your app or spreadsheet!  (See why it’s so easy in this day and time to let money slip through our fingers without even realizing it! No wonder we struggle!)

Money can come and go and we never actually see it.

Train yourself to see your money. These actions take very little time or effort once they become routine.

Try this for a day, and even a week or two and let me know how it goes!

As always, steward intentionally.


P.S. Organize your monthly bills ON PAPER where you can see them clearly by downloading the free Bill Trackers by Penny Steward Mama! 

Also, join us on Facebook in the Penny Steward Mama public group!

Or…if you’re wanting to really get serious about your money—and even your life in general— join the private, closed Penny Steward Mama Accountability group on Facebook. 

3 Replies to “One Simple Money Tweak That Changes Everything”

  1. Oh, geez, I’ve been there WAY too many times! But by taking a list and making sure I stick to it, have found this really helps (and leaving the credit cards at home when it all gets a bit too tempting!)

  2. Great tips!! For me, it is so much easier to take that second to think when I am in a store and realize I went overboard and was swayed by a sale or things at the counter while you wait in line. It is a little trickier with online shopping…even though it has become a way of life these days…it still almost magical and you don’t realize what you have bought until you have a stack of packages waiting at your door!

    1. Sandy, I love the idea of truly considering our purchases as we wait in line! What a great idea! And, yes, online shopping is tough to keep under control! 😉

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