Tired of Struggling Financially? Use the 15 Minute Method to Break the Cycle

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Do you feel like there’s NEVER enough money? That you’ll never be able to gain control of your finances? Are you constantly behind on bills and your bank account tends to stay in the negative?

Maybe you’re keeping your bills paid, but there’s barely enough to make ends meet and many times you’re robbing Peter to pay Paul before the next paycheck. When you’re struggling financially, it’s incredibly difficult to figure out what to do next.

learn the 15 minute method for your money /> />

What causes so many Americans to struggle financially?

Many times the above pattern leads to ignoring your household finances. It won’t really become a problem until it gets VERY bad, you tell yourself. You’re not there yet. So it’s easier just not to think about it.

But, since you’re reading this, I know you’re ready to start dealing with your finances and take back control! You’re tired of robbing your future with today’s money problems.

There are so many free resources available to help when you’re struggling financially. Like these six steps to turn your finances around by Motley Fool.  It’s great advice and if followed, it will work.

Yet it seems incredibly overwhelming when you know that all of these steps can take a lot of your valuable time to complete.

Since you really don’t know where to begin, you tend to procrastinate in this one area of life. Putting off dealing with your money has simply become a habit.

You’re also incredibly overwhelmed with all of your other life responsibilities, so how on earth do you begin to take steps to resolve your financial problems too?

How can you overcome procrastination and start taking action with your money?

What if you could change your financial situation in just 15 minutes a day? 

With just 15 minutes of consistent time spent working on your money every single day, you truly can change your financial life. No, your money problems won’t be solved in ONE day.

But, no matter what your biggest problem or struggle is, taking this approach, step by step, will set you up for a financially free future! 

Stop Procrastinating and Take Action With Your Money />


What can you really do in 15 minutes? 

Think about it for a second. How much time have you spent focusing on your money — I mean truly focusing and taking action — each day?

How much money do you (and/or your spouse) make each paycheck? Where exactly does all of it go? Are you spending more or less than you make? Are you saving for your biggest dreams? Are you giving generously to causes you love and believe in?

Do you have clear answers to all of those questions? Are you happy with those answers? If not, then the 15 minute method will solve it!

How does the 15 minute method work for your money? 

What I mean by the 15-minute money method is spending 15 minutes intensely focused on ONE TASK that has to do with your finances.

It’s doing something intentionally and specifically every single day for 15 minutes to benefit your financial situation.

We’ll go into more detail later in this article, but for now, here’s a summary.

This daily focused activity could include things like getting your finances more organized and making a plan for your money. It consists of paying closer attention to your spending habits, and working to switch the not-so-great money behaviors into better ones!

Have you ever put much thought or consistent action into those things? If not, then no wonder the money stuff is such a struggle! Though we aren’t avoiding our money on purpose, when we put little effort into something, it follows that we get very little out of it.

Guess what?

Here’s the real problem no one ever talks about: zero time of intentional effort and planning in the area of our money is what causes the majority of our financial problems!

But, don’t worry! It actually takes minimal effort to fix those problems, as long as you’re willing to take daily, steady action from here on out! 


change your financial life in just 15 minutes />


Why does the 15 minute method work to solve financial problems?

Allotting a certain amount of time to do a financial task automatically makes dealing with your money more doable — and even more tolerable.

Dave Ramsey often says, “When it comes to winning with money, 80% of it is behavior, and 20% is head knowledge.”

Most of us know WHAT to do with our money. The problem is we just DON’T do it! 

The 15 minute money method solves this, which over time, will solve all of our financial problems!

Here’s how it works:

First, decide on something you need to do regarding your finances. A few examples are below!

Then, start a timer so you have a starting point, and more importantly, so you have a stopping point! This helps you overcome procrastination and prevent putting off a financial task you’re not super excited about doing. 

You are more motivated to work hard during that time, knowing there’s an end. Plus, you’re actually focused on the task at hand, allowing you to make more progress! Whatever you can get done in that time frame, even if only for 15 minutes, will be much more progress than if you were to put zero time into it.

Think how great it will feel to do something positive for your finances right now!

So what financial task do you complete first?

It’s possible you already know what you need to do for your 15 minute task today. It’s something you’ve been putting off for awhile but keeps coming back up in your mind. You know you need to do something about it, but you just haven’t made it happen.

For instance, if you don’t pay a bill that’s due today, you’ll owe a late fee. If you have the money, pay it! That could be your one task for today, and it will take even less than 15 minutes!

Another example is deciding on dinner so you can avoid eating out…again. Take your 15 minutes to inventory your pantry, fridge, and freezer to see what you can throw together. Or decide on a meal that will be much cheaper coming from the grocery store instead of a restaurant. Swing by the grocery store and get any other ingredients you need. You’ll most likely get leftovers with this plan! Yes! Big win! 

alarm clockWhat if you’re really not clear on what to do next when it comes to your financial situation? 

***First, if you’re a Christian ready to figure out this money stuff once and for all, go through the free 5 Day Challenge to build your financial house God’s way and get clear on your current situation.  Take 15 minutes at a time to work on your finances! You’ll see your money more clearly and start to see areas where you can take action!***

Also, if an immediate action task surrounding your money doesn’t come to you or if you really have no idea of what needs to happen first, do a financial brain dump. This allows you to completely clear your head of anything money related, and from there you can decide what to focus on. Oh, and it takes 15 minutes or less 😉

Once you have EVERYTHING you can possibly think of surrounding your money written out on paper, then decide on your first action step. You can do it! Set your timer and get to work!

***If budgeting is your next best step,  sign up for the Penny Steward Mama monthly budget challenge! During the last 5 days of each month, we take some time to get organized and set up our budgets for the next month! Whether you’ve never budgeted before, or want to get back into the habit, this challenge is for you!

If you’re just really stuck, overwhelmed, and need some additional support, send me an email to pennystewardmama@gmail.com to chat! You’d be surprised at what clarity a 15 minute chat with a financial coach will bring! 

Use the 15 minute money method to quit procrastinating, take action, and overcome your financial struggles! 

The 15 minute method is absolutely genius when it comes to your money. Let’s face it. Who really wants to spend a ton of time obsessing over their finances? Even I, a self-professed budget nerd, can find much better things to do with my spare time than crunch numbers. So…15 minutes it is!

Now it’s time to get started! Decide on that task that you aren’t super excited about doing, but you know you need to get done. (Post your task in the comments if you’re really brave!!) Then set a timer for 15 minutes and get to work! Do as much as you can and stay focused, not letting anything else distract you.

Do this consistently, every single day, and in just a few days, you will be shocked at what an improvement you’ve made and how quickly your money struggles are eliminated! Yay for you! I knew you could do it! 🙂

As always, continue to steward your money — and your life —  intentionally.


P.S. Check out the Money Savvy Moms — Living Intentionally 15 Minutes at a Time closed Facebook group. We’d love to have you join our community!

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