Free Printable Monthly Bill Tracker: Keep Your Bills Organized and Paid On Time!

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How often have you missed a bill payment because you just plain forgot? Do you need a better system to make sure your household bills are always paid and on time?

Free Monthly Bill Tracker Printables Fun and Colorable />

These free printable monthly bill trackers are fun and stress-reducing, especially if you love adult coloring! They’re still pretty in black and white too!  Time to get those bills organized AND make it more enjoyable! Oh, and say goodbye to those late fees! Grab the trackers here!

It will take a couple minutes for the pdf to make it to your inbox. So come back to this post while you wait. 🙂  You’ll be ready to start filling it out by the time it arrives!

Why is a bill payment tracker so important?

When it comes to paying bills you want to do three things.

  1. Make sure the bills are paid
  2. Avoid late fees
  3. Avoid overdraft fees

If you accomplish those three things, you will save money and achieve bill paying success. 🙂

Tips on how to complete and use your monthly bill tracker

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Let’s start with setting up your monthly bill tracker.

Once you have your bill tracker, if you don’t already have a running list of your bills, it may take a little work to set up your tracker initially. But don’t worry! It will be so worth it to have everything organized on only one page!

To make sure you’re adding all of your monthly bills, look over your bank and credit card statements, email billing statements, mailed statements, and anything else involved in your monthly bills. Do your best to be thorough, so you don’t miss anything!

Need room to add more bills?

Just print and add a second page!

Another idea is to fill out your bill tracker as you pay your bills during the month.

When you sit down to pay those bills, be sure to pay them AND add them to your free bill tracker printable as you go. This is a very efficient use of your time and energy.

And don’t forget! While taking the time to get all of your bills listed on the tracker, take a few minutes to color the design in your favorite color palette! Make it your own! 

How to make your printable bill tracker reusable

Once you get your tracker colored and customized in the colors you would like, slip it in a plastic sheet protector and use a dry erase marker to notate as bills are paid. This way you can just erase after all bills are paid at the end of the month, and then be ready to go for the next month!

Tips to keep your bill payments on track and organized

Make sure any bills or financial paperwork that come into your house have only one place to go. This could be a folder, box, filing cabinet, whatever works best for you. Be sure that paperwork always ends up in that one place, so you can keep everything together and easily find it when needed!

Did you know you can adjust your billing due date for many bills? If any of your bills fall at a bad time (like during times when your checking account balance is lower), give the company a call to see if they can change the due date.

Consider changing due dates in order to make it more convenient for you to pay everything only once or twice a month. It may take one or two billing cycles for it to get switched over, but will be so much more convenient over the long run!

Make organizing your bills fun with free printable bill trackers />


Use your smartphone calendar alerts! For any bills that are not set up on auto-pay, be sure to set a calendar alert, so you will never forget to pay anything! Depending on how organized you are, you may need two or three alerts…those of you know who you are 😉 I’m certainly one of those…

After a bill is paid, be sure to check it off in the “Paid” box in the monthly bill tracker. Writing the date paid in that box is even more useful.

If you’re using the yearly bill tracker, you can either check the box of the current month, or shade in the box, adding even more beautiful color to your already customized tracker!

What about auto-draft?

Once your due dates fall at a good time (and you know you’ll have the money to pay them when they’re due) you can set up your bills on automatic payments, or auto-draft.

This allows your bank account to be automatically withdrawn to pay the bill when it is due.  You don’t have to do the work each month. Set it up one time and you’re done! Yay for saving time AND money! Much less hassle and super convenient!

Warning: keep auto-draft in mind anytime you have to change bank accounts or card numbers. Make a mental note that if something changes, you must update payment for any bills set up on auto-draft!

Now you’re ready to stay organized and get through bill paying with ease!

Once you are regularly using (and enjoying!) your monthly bill tracker, you can successfully pay your bills and manage your monthly expenses conveniently and efficiently. Keeping track of your bills all on one checklist makes such a difference in your ability to stay organized with your money!

As always, continue to steward your money intentionally!


P.S. Are you ready to take your finances to the next level and create a budget? Participate in our monthly budget challenge to get started easily!

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