Personal Finance Accountability: The Secret to Staying Motivated and Proactive With Your Money

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Life…so many changes occur as we go through various seasons of it. First, we go through childhood, then get through middle and high school, then college for some. We start working, and somehow we already know how to spend our hard-earned money as quickly as we make it.

Then we throw a spouse and kids in the mix, and life gets, well, a little crazy and super fast-paced! At that point, how is it even possible to stay motivated and accountable with our personal finances?


personal finance accountability

Seasons of Life

We each have our own personal journeys that are unique to ourselves.

Beginning in 2007, some of my seasons have included watching my mom suffer with cancer, her death, college graduation and moving to a new state, infertility, pregnancy, motherhood, moving back to my hometown, infertility again, twin pregnancy, motherhood times three, then the sudden death of my father. Through each of these seasons I have had to rely on the Lord and others more than I could ever have imagined. 

Sometimes life sucks, but then sometimes it provides so much happiness and contentment, that the joy can’t be contained. We praise God during the good times and lean into Him during the bad.

I think back on the biggest accomplishments in my life and wonder how on earth I achieved them. It certainly wasn’t my own doing. 

The Lord’s Guidance and His People

First of all, I truly believe the hand of God has guided me through many trials of life even when I didn’t want to acknowledge His presence. He has been there consistently whether or not I gave Him credit at the time.

But there’s also a second reason. And I truly believe it is God-given, though not directly. See, God gives us the people in our lives. Even with my parents gone, I have some wonderful family and friends that I am very close to. They have stuck by me and encouraged me even through some very difficult seasons.

And anytime I found myself unmotivated or less enthusiastic about life, these wonderful people stuck by me and provided something I cannot provide myself. You know what they provided? Accountability
How to Stay Motivated to Achieve Financial Freedom />


Yes, that’s it. Everything in my life that would be considered a success can be traced back to accountability.

How do I stay motivated to run a long-distance run? Set a date to run a race and find a group who is running to help me stay accountable. How do I stay motivated to get through college? Hang out with other college students who are working hard to graduate one day.

How to stay encouraged in my spiritual life? Stick closely to my church family and small group and allow them to keep me encouraged even in the valleys of life. To eat healthier and feel better? Participate in an accountability group for information about healthy foods and sticking to healthy eating. Keep my house clean when it goes against my natural tendencies? Find a supportive group like FlyLady or Messies Anonymous.

Even when things get tough, and even when we get discouraged and want to give up, others can help us stay on the right track. Finding a group of people who have “been there, done that” can help us climb out of more valleys than we ever imagined. They can help bring us up when we are down.

I’m pretty sure we can find an accountability group for every aspect of our lives if we wanted.

But do you know where I don’t see much accountability?

Personal finance.

Financial Accountability

Why is that? Why do we keep our money a secret? Why do we never talk about it? Why is it one of the most major aspects of our life, but we don’t have accountability groups for it? I’m as guilty as the next person, but why don’t we jump on the financial management bandwagon as fast as we jump on the keto diet bandwagon? 

I’m sure it has something to do with the fact that personal finance is just that…personal! But why do we think we can’t get help or advice from each other, talk each other through some financial decisions, and encourage each other when it comes to our money? Why are finances so taboo in everyday conversation? 

When I began my blog (and even my little personal finance Facebook page long before starting my blog), my ultimate goal was to provide a place for people to be open and more transparent regarding their finances. To allow a safe place to discuss and motivate others in their own financial journey. To help others experience financial freedom and peace no matter their income or past financial history. To give others a boost of encouragement especially when finances feel (or actually are) out of control. 

In short, I hope you discover finances do not have to be a hindrance to your goals and dreams. That wise stewardship of your money according to Biblical principles can allow you to accomplish more than you ever imagined.

Let’s get your finances on the best path AND keep up the momentum if you’re already headed that way!

First, join the Money Savvy Moms Living for Him private Facebook group where we can discuss freely and encourage each other as we steward our finances, and even our lives, more intentionally. I can’t wait to hear about your own individual journey and goals, and follow along with your progress.

Oh, and when you’re ready to give up, we won’t let you 😉 THAT is the power of accountability!!

As always, steward intentionally.


P.S. Need a better place to keep track of your monthly bills? Or a savings tracker? Sign up for the Penny Steward Mama email newsletter to get the cute, fun, and very functional printables! 

P.P.S. Ready to go all in when it comes to accountability with your finances? Join the Financial Stewardship Accountability program!

the secret to staying motivated and proactive with your money

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